I am now offering Care Packages (included with premium memberships) as an a la' cart item that you can purchase if you do not have a premium membership plan and would like to receive a one time Care Package! Care Package contents will be a surprise, and I will be using the same guidelines as I do for my premium member's monthly packages and will be doing my best to meet the specific needs and taste of each individual customer. Shipping on Care Packages will be $21. If you do not want to receive any gently loved items, please let me know that. I can get you more bang for your buck with this option, though I understand that some people only want items brand new. (Most packages contain a mixture of brand new and gently loved items.)
Requests, preferences, etc are appreciated, as it helps me shop for you. However, these are suggestions, and no items/characters, etc are guaranteed. I will do my best :)
Customized Care Package
At this time, I do not offer returns or exchanges on Care Packages. Requests can be made for specific items, however I cannot guarantee requested items. I do my best to make sure you are highly satisfied with your Care Package. Hopefully you will see what a great value I can offer you! I am a bargain hunter by nature, and I keep a large inventory of items ready to go. I also act as your personal shopper and try to find items specific to your personal taste and appeal as best I can. Please be as descriptive as possible in letting me know your personal preferences.